What languages does Teleparadigm have prior experience with?

Does Teleparadigm use Agile development methodology?

Are most of Teleparadigm’s employees recent college graduates?

Does Teleparadigm hire new graduates from the associated engineering colleges only?

Q: What languages does Teleparadigm have prior experience with?

A: See response under Where We Excel.

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Q: Does Teleparadigm use Agile development methodology?

A: Currently, this is not the de facto standard. However, some clients have requested this, and our project managers and numerous team members utilized this methodology with regular SCRUM meetings, and tighter iterations for customer feedback.

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Q: Are most of Teleparadigm’s employees recent college graduates?

A: No. We maintain a healthy balance of 3 experienced developers for every 2 new graduates. In addition, we have highly experienced project managers who direct the team throughout the project, and communicate regularly with our customers.

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Q: Does Teleparadigm hire new graduates from the associated engineering colleges only?

A: No. We hire predominantly from the finishing schools. These schools are selective in their admission and are open to professionals and graduates of all regional colleges.

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